Ethiopian RecordsApr 29, 20202 min read Hopeful Lessons III - Nerlivተስፋ ነዉ ስንቄ ፫ Hopeful Lessons is a mix series curated by Ethiopian Records. It is a mix series created to feature musicians/music...
Ethiopian RecordsApr 14, 20203 min read Hopeful Lessons II - Eyorrተስፋ ነዉ ስንቄ ፪ Hopeful Lessons is a mix series curated by Ethiopian Records. It is a mix series created to feature musicians/music...
Ethiopian RecordsApr 8, 20203 min read Hopeful Lessons I - Ethiopian Records"Why are you bitter? I am not bitter, it is my optimism and my hope you misread as bitterness" - C.S.